October 01, 2016

Statues Museum and Trick Eye Museum in Yogyakarta Indonesia

De Arca Museum

you have a dream for a photo with your idol figure?, You can visit to De Arca Statues Art museum in Yogyakarta-Indonesia, exactly address at XT Square, Jl. Veteran, Pandayan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Why..? because in this museum there are many statues of famous people such as presidents, heroes, artists or football players, include figures who had died. The statues are wax sculpture and made very similar to the original character of figure. De Arca museum is one of a wax museum in the world such as Madam Tussauds museum.

Not difficult to find your idol figures, because the idol figures are already grouped in each zone. There are three zone in the museums; zone_1 is national figures of Indonesia, zone_2 is President of the world and zone_3 is world figure.

In the zone of the national Indonesia figures, there are a statues of the Indonesian heroes such as R.A. Kartini, Cut Nyak Dien, Dahlan Iskan etc ... Entry to the zone president of the word, you can find statues of Indonesian Presidents such as Soekarno, Soeharto, B.J Habibie, Abdurahman Wahid, Megawati, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Jokowi, and statues Presidents of the countries in the world such as Barack Obama (Presiden of America), Elizabet queen, and the presidents of other countries in the word. And last zone you can meet with idol of world famous people such as Michael Jakson, Brad Pitt, Christiano Ronaldo, Jacky Chan, Hitler, etc…

set your camera to take pictures with idol of your dreams, you can posing appropriate gesture of body sculpting such as hands shaking, looks, speaks, smiles etc…

De Mata Museum

Not far from the "De Arca statues museum", there are a "De Mata Trick Eye museum" that present a three dimensional image galery. the images seem to appear out of the surface and come to life. You can make a creative pose to complete visual narrative as a real illusion of images.

De Mata museum is same as "trick eye museum" in singapore, there are 120 image galery in De Mata museum. You can make real the illusion that not possible be true, you can climbing, fly with the birds, become an astronaut, or magic helper with dedy Corbuzer as magicians from Indonesia. and many other illusions, so do not miss for visit to this museum.

Tiket Price

Daily opening time of the musium at 10.00am until 22.00pm, and Tickets price for a visit to the “De Arca Statue Art Museum” is IDR. 50.000/Fax, and season tickets to visit “De Mata Trick Eye Museum” is IDR. 80.000/Fax. This is cheap to get travel satisfaction for a tour on the illusion of statues and images in three dimensions. do not forget to prepare your camera's with large memory because you'll forget how much you take pictures on the camera.

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